Thursday, March 4, 2010


It has been almost a month since I blogged... so much for this being a regular thing. Its been so long the "blogger" logged me out.. and getting back in is like getting into fort Knox.... you have to type the password at just the right rhythm or it won't work... so its pretty much guaranteed that only I will be writing this blog.. no one will come in and write for me... although its possible that i may loose all access as well... humph... oh well. I also just noticed that instead of forming complete sentences I just... in between all my thoughts. Oh well... this is how I think so this is how I shall write.
Food has been really good for me lately, I have even formed a plan for when the lovely Nutrisystem food is gone. I am going to incorporate two things at once. Firstly I want to start working my way into the raw food diet... it sounds amazing.. and I've gotten used to eating plenty of raw produce already. I will also definitely be eating off of
Michi's Ladder. Again something I learned about from my YouTube people. It is basically a ladder that categorizes all food. From the most horrible nasty things you can put into your body, to the pious tier which is all the best.... because this is almost impossible... It is suggested that you eat off of the best two tiers... which is what I will be doing... well minus the things that had a mommy. this is the link to Michi's Ladder for anyone who is interested in looking at it.. its very interesting because most of the things in the horrible tier are things that most of us eat often such as Cream cheese, Toaster pastries... even regular salad dressing.. a lot of other common foods are in the fourth tier... which is just a little better for you than the horrid tier like Macaroni and cheese, Margarine, chicken salad, Peanut butter, and Grilled cheese sandwich. of course there are also some surprises like who knew that cream cheese is worse than a grilled cheese sandwich... and it also goes without saying that anything deep fried or processed or that you can get through a drive through is on the naughty tier..

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gettin back, a back on track

Wow, time flies when your "having fun". More like time flies when your trying to keep up with homework and reading. Ugh... Things one the food end of life have been going well. Keeping on track for the most part did not loose any weight last week.. but then again I also didn't gain any.. which is always good. So far I have lost seven... well i did weigh this morning and another three have gone down.. but I will wait till my correct weighing day to take a final loss for the week. I really think I am starting to learn about portions... That not only can I live on this much food, but that I feel so much better. I have more energy, than I did when I would just eat until I felt over full. I never thought there was a difference... and their is.. it is completely possible to feel satisfied but not be tired.. Which actually makes total sense, because food is supposed to be our energy source. We kind of forget that here. With all the fun restaurants and their HUGE portions, and yummy snacks that do nothing for us nutritionally. Its amazing, how we loose track of what food was supposed to be when we start trying to modify it to our tastes... What concerns me is the modifiers... most of us have no idea what so ever as to what goes into the food we eat on a daily basis. I mean really. I have a thought... lets all of us ( I like to imagine that I have at least 300 people reading this blog regularly :)) take a look at our food. If it is a color that is not found in nature, we should probably dispose of it. Like Cheetos for example.. i have never seen that color anywhere but on Cheetos.. I am not even sure how one would go about making that color. icky..... Well i completely just lost my train of thought... so i guess this is my cue to go.. I will start trying to get back into blogging every night.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Weekend

I discovered the joys of trying to eat out while on Nutrisystem this weekend. Salad then the Nutrisystem dinner back at the dorm. Although the salad probably did not have low fat dressing.. I kinda forgot to ask. Mostly it is because when I go out to eat I don't really take into consideration what exactly I am eating. Which is a big part of my problem here. When I go out to eat someone else is making it. I just got used to being concerned if there is a dead animal anywhere on the plate. That by the way is my new reason for staying vegetarian. Dead animals sitting in my stomach, I think not. It just sounds horrible. Sorry if I ruined something for the meat eaters reading. Anyway. That is why all of this is a lifestyle change, I need to start taking into consideration what I am putting into my body. I definitely have started on an everyday basis. I have been watching a "vlog" which is one of these but on video.. I loose my train of thought to quickly for that to work for me.. Anyway. It is called loosing weight the hard way. The channel on YouTube is Antishay. For any who are interested in checking her out. She is starting to eat completely raw.. not like the gross raw meat. But all veggies and such. She has me pretty convinced that it is a pretty good way to go.... partly because I am eating a lot of raw stuff lately.. because the Nutrisystem portions are so tiny. ;).
On that note though, I really am starting to see that I can survive on that amount of food, and that I feel better. Like I noticed today after eating out.. and honestly messing up on my plan a little bit. But its the classic learn from my mistake scenario, because it sat weird in my tummy, and I would like to avoid that feeling again.
Sorry this is so random.. but it is almost 1 in the morning, and Cartoon Network is distracting :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Catching Up

Whoo! its been a couple days.. Oh well... life gets in the way.. and then forgetfulness. but I'm back now. And my new companion. His name is Wesley. He is my new fish. I just like talking about him.. he is a Spaz fish. Which makes him a very entertaining fish. Anyway.. food. Its been going good. I have been staying on track. I even had to go back to the store last night because I ran out of food. As in I ran out of vegetables, I guess I didn't correctly calculate just how many I would be eating. On the plus side I can definitely tell that I feel better. More energy and such, I guess eating green stuff will do that to a person. I have also been eating a lot of orange stuff, Carrots. I eat at least a cup everyday. That is a serving a cup. They are the veggie I eat with my lunch. Bananas have also become a favorite. I have never been a big fan of bananas, but I am starting to like them.
This morning for breakfast I had a cranberry orange thingy.. well the package called it a pastry. but it so was not.. it was more like a really really really small loaf of bread. Although it tasted pretty good. Then for lunch I had cheesy potatoes and some carrots and tomatoes. oh and of course string cheese. Gotta have the string cheese.
Well for this being a catching up blog it had been pretty short. Oh well.. the point was to get back on and do it. So.. go me..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

MMM. Chocolate

Today is day three. Whoo. This morning I tried out the cereal, and well it was actually pretty good. Along with some grapes. 15 grapes to be exact. who knew that 15 was a serving of grapes? I sure didn't it also seems like more than it is, maybe I just have exceptionally small grapes. For lunch I had Fettuccine Alfredo, and some carrots and bell peppers. oh and string cheese. gotta have/love string cheese. it is probably one of the easiest ways to feel like a child again.

I also have some exciting news regarding my afternoon snack. My cottage cheese had thawed out!! yay so I had organic cottage cheese and 15 more grapes. also some cherry tomatoes (I can have as many of those as I want in a day). I also added some of my super fancy whole foods pepper to it. Yummy yummy.

in the evening we( my suite-mate Dani and I) went to go see "the hangover" in the S.U.B. well this was my first experience in healthy snacking at a movie. I had a diet soda and fake M&Ms ala Nutrisystem. actually they are very good. and there was way more in the bag then I expected there to be. they did leave a faint cocoa powder aftertaste. but I am never one to complain about the taste of chocolate in my mouth.

chocolate also reminds me of something I didn't get to yesterday. One of my yogurts was chocolate, and I am now an advocate of chocolate yogurt. it tasted almost like pudding. but not.. it is actually kinda hard to describe the taste... but it was good. I know what I will be turning to in the middle of the day when I feel like I need a sweet fix. and with it being yogurt I get more of it than I would regular pudding.

oh! dinner, just ate it actually gotta love the schedule college puts on life. I had lasagna and a salad. oh and 15 grapes. I have had 45 grapes today.. go me..

my lasagna had peas and beans in it though.. which was really weird. it’s not that it tasted bad. it tasted like the ravioli I had last night. and both taste similar to Chef Boyardee. anyway... it wasn't the taste of the beans... but the random change in texture. its fun how sometimes the food tastes great but texture ruins it all. like soggy cereal, or beans in lasagna.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Are you ready? Are you ready for this?

Here we are day two of my weight loss journey. Oh no, what happened to day one? Well gotta love college students... I meant to start writing yesterday.. but put it off til today.. butthat's okay.. Who says counting must start at one anyway? Today in my math class we started counting at 20.. so I figure I am still ahead of the game.
The reason I am doing this blog is mostly to help myself. If I believe I have people waiting to read what I write I have more incentive to actually get on the computer and write. Granted, it is completely possible that no one will ever read this, but the point is I believe there are. So, Hello readers!
I have spent my whole life, all 19 years of it, struggling with my weight. I have tried many things, but always gave up after a while. Not this time. I will turn 20 in November, and officially not be a teenager anymore. It is time to grow up and take control of my life. Yesterday I started Nutrisystem. I chose this plan not because I want the work done for me, but so I can prove to myself that by only eating these things I survived and felt better than I would if I continued mymonstrous eating habits. Also, hopefully I will see some results which will give me incentive to continue.
So now on to what I had to eat today. For breakfast a very small cinnamon roll, a pear, and yogurt. Then for lunch black bean tortilla soup, string cheese, and come carrots and cherry tomatoes. I should probably add here that I am a vegetarian, so for a regular meat included Nutrisystem diet entrees will be different. For my afternoon snack I was going to have some grapes and cottage cheese.. well when I went into the fridge to retrieve my cottage cheese I found that putting it in the back was a bad idea.. it was frozen.. so I had another thing of yogurt.. which means I will forgo yogurt tomorrow, so I don't have to go back to the store quite so soon. I have not had dinner yet, but my plan is cheese ravioli and a salad, add bell peppers and onion. And of course my yummy Newman's Own Light Italian dressing.
Eating healthy is expensive, I can see why most Americans don't like it.. I spent almost $50 on produce alone.. not exactly what a college kid usually spends on food. but it will be worth it.
It is time to take control and make my exclamation to the world. I can go from being a miserable comfort eater, to an adult who leads a healthy life style